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Sardine Run in South Africa
Humpback Whales in Niue
with Fiona Ayerst
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Ryan Johnson
Great White Shark Research Internship
with the Shark Research Unit
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with Africa Media
Clear Filters
Roller Coaster Road Productions
Founded in 2012, Roller Coaster Road is the brainchild of documentary producer, Steve Burns. Since 2018, Roller Coaster Road Productions has continued his legacy under executive producers, writers and directors, Sarah Burns and Alex Sherratt.
Established in 2010, Earth Touch has established itself as a premier wildlife distribution company with its production base situated in Durban, South Africa, and sales and distribution offices strategically located in London and Washington DC.
Ryan is a renowned shark scientist and filmmaker, who has led shark research and filming expeditions around the globe for the past 20 years. His work is regularly featured on National Geographic's annual Sharkfest and includes premium features such as Shark attack file, When sharks attack 360, Whale vs. Shark, and Camosharks amongst others.
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